Tikkun Olam

PCS is deeply committed to Tikkun Olam — repair of the world. Need knows no bounds. It is not separated by country, age, gender. We see the earth and all its inhabitants—people, animals, the land—as precious, each requiring care, love, and help. It is built into our oldest traditions. A love for Eretz Yisrael, the land of our foremothers and forefathers, of our fellow Jews today.

We believe that we have obligations handed down to us from Abraham and Sarah, from Noah, from the judge Deborah, and King David that require us to help those in need, attend to the ill, support those who have had fewer advantages than we have. We believe we have an obligation to preserve the environment and to protect our rich but finite natural resources.
We encourage—even challenge—each of us to participate in the many projects that help repair this world. For we are ultimately known by our deeds.

The organizations and sources below represent a sampling of ongoing activities and projects we support year round.

For more information please email Tikkun Olam/Social Action Committee Chair, Leslie Mack, or call the PCS office at 914-769-2672.

If you offer your compassion to the hungry
And satisfy the famished creature
Then shall your light
Shine in darkness
And your gloom
Shall be like noonday - Isaiah 58:10

Refugee Crisis 
By working with the interfaith community, we are engaged in assisting with Westchester's efforts to "welcome the stranger." We have contributed furniture for refugee families settling in the area and we are engaged in advocating and supporting all efforts of the Westchester Task Force, in concert with HIAS and Catholic Charities, to safely settle refugee families in Westchester.
Food Drive
Our annual food drive during the High Holiday season and ongoing throughout the year is a long-standing commitment to assisting  those who are hungry.
Toy Drive
During the winter holiday season, we collect toys and books for the children involved with Neighbor's Link (see below), an agency based in Mt. Kisco whose mission is to "strengthen the whole community through the healthy integration of immigrants."
Jewish Child Care Association - Pleasantville
The JCCA’s mission, inspired by the Jewish value of tikkun olam, is to repair the world, child by child. PCS is committed to organizing and participating in semi-annual activities with the JCCA-Pleasantville, sharing fun afternoons with youth from the Edenwald campus of the JCCA residential treatment center.
Passover Food Drive - Project Ezra
During the Passover season, we participate in Project Ezra, collecting food and creating Passover baskets for those individuals in need.
Current Events
Committee members are actively involved and engaged in current events and issues, such as collecting essential toiletries for children in need, refugees, victims of weather-related disasters or by advocating -- by letter writing or attending rallies -- for important issues in our country and throughout the world.

Volunteer Projects through Time for Good, UJA Federation
Are you: · A recent retiree looking to contribute your time as a pro bono consultant? A parent who wants to teach your children the important values of Tikkun Olam and Gemilut Chasidim by helping those in need? A teenager who needs to receive community service credits through volunteer hours? Join other Jewish New Yorkers to make a difference in your community! Click on the link above for details.

Neighbor's Link
Click on the link above to view video and for more information. Mission: To strengthen our community by actively enhancing the healthy integration of recent Latino immigrants.

B'nei Mitzvah Community Service Ideas from WJCS
Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS) is your not-for-profit non-sectarian neighbor, helping people cope with and conquer the effects of mental, physical, social and educational deficits servicing more than 16,000 adults, children and families each year through approximately 60 sites from Yonkers to Yorktown. Click on the link above to view or print your many wonderful options!

Midnight Run
Midnight Run is a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. Volunteers from churches, synagogues, schools and other civic groups distribute food, clothing, blankets and personal care items to the homeless poor on the streets of New York City. The late-night relief efforts create a forum for trust, sharing, understanding and affection.

Suggestion List for Israel Support
Click above for a list of many of the organizations worthy of your support compiled by the PCS Israel Action Committee.